**Spoilers if you're intending to go to "The Doctor Who Experience", or haven't seen the Matt Smith Doctor Who series**

This video is some my favorite bits from the exhibit I went to this morning called "The Doctor Who Experience". Sorry for the lack of quality, I was partially sneaking video, and my camera is seriously dying. The exhibit was amazing though, and it was definitely a different look into the culture that I'm currently surrounded by. 

In the US Doctor Who tends to be a more adult thing for some reason. Teenagers may get into it, but most parents wouldn't show it to their children. Here in the UK it's a completely different story. When I walked in I found myself surrounded by little kids dressed up as The Doctor, including several carrying mops and wearing fezzes. I wish I had some pictures of them to show you guys, but I didn't take any of the kids. Trust me though, it was adorable. 

It was interesting to see so many families at the show. Moms, dads, children, and even grandparents were there. The beginning of the exhibit started with a walk through adventure type thing. You're brought in and you're told you have to help The Doctor escape from the Pandorica 2 (yeah, they actually built an extra just incase he escaped the first. "It's not even a different color! Boring!") This was my favorite part of the whole thing. You get to go inside the TARDIS, you get attacked by Cybermen, Daleks, and Weeping Angels, and you get to see some really cool props from the show up close. The best part was probably the end when all of the villains are shown on a 3D screen (yes, I like 3D like this. It's how it's meant to be used). When the Weeping Angels and Daleks came out and reached towards us I could see all of the parents grabbing their children that were too scared to watch but somehow couldn't look away and couldn't stop grinning. Some of the adults genuinely looked a bit frightened as well. Part of this is showed towards the end of the video, try to imagine it actually popping out at you if you watch back.

The second part of the exhibit included things like all of The Doctor's costumes, all of the companions costumes (It was hard to not steal Jack's and the 9th/10th Doctor's. I behaved though). It showed the Daleks through the years, and models of so many creatures. There was also an area that you could walk through a bit of the TARDIS control room on your own. I spent a good amount of time there looking at all the buttons I wasn't actually allowed to press.

Overall my day was spectacular. After the exhibit I went out for a walking trip of the city with my friend Kayleigh, we got lost, found cool stuff, and overall, I at least, had a lot of fun. 

If you want to see pictures from the exhibit you can click here, and if you want to see some pictures from my walk around the city you can go here and scroll to the bottom. 

If you've never seen Doctor Who you should check it out. It's really an amazing show, and worth putting the time into getting to know. 

I hope you all have an amazing night
