Spring break has been an interesting trip for me. It started out with a 12 hour bus ride to Aberdeen to meet up with Mark. I've been talking to Mark for about 9 years now. We met on a Lord of the Rings website for the actor Billy Boyd, and have been talking on and off ever since. It was a rather nervous bus ride since I had never met him before, and I ended up getting about 1 hour of sleep total. 

Once I got there and found Mark and amazing weekend immediately started. We went to an Aberdeen football match, I was given lots of gifts from the team including a keychain, a bottle stopper, a clock, and a roster that was signed by the entire team. Mark also had arranged for an announcement at half time welcoming me to the game all the way from Philly. After that we went to meet his family, and I was somehow tricked into holding his baby nephew (I think there's a picture of this somewhere but I dunno where). Later that night we went to a pub to listen to some live music before heading to my hostel for the night. 

The next day we got up early, I walked around on my own for a bit, and then Mark and his girlfriend Dani took me up to the farm to meet Dani's horses. I had never really been close to a horse before so I was a bit nervous for the first hour or so and spent most of it hiding behind Mark. Finally one of the horses decided it was sick of me hiding form it and came up to me and pushed me over. We cleaned up the stables, brushed the horses, and then Dani set up Leila to ride her. I helped a bit, and was excited to actually see her ride when she handed me the helmet and said "So the fun part is that I'm not riding. You are". I think there might be a picture out there of the look on my face when she said this too. 

It was an amazing experience. You can see pictures here, there's not many because I got so caught up in being there and hanging out with Mark and Dani that I kept forgetting to take pictures of things. I'll have to ask Mark if he has any so I can have a few more. 

The next day I left for Nottingham. This part of the trip isn't nearly as exciting, infect it's kind of boring. I got here, we went out to a pub for some live music (it's a trend of my break I think), and that was really cool. I got to talk to the lead singer about The Damned and meet some cool people. The next day I slept, literally all day. Nothing happened. Thursday Simon had work and I was stuck in the house with nothing to do. Really, nothing. No internet, I didn't bring a book (lesson learned, again), and I spent the day laying around wishing I could be anywhere else. The same kind of happened again today. 

I just got a message asking if I wanted to go and film something at Abbey Road tomorrow with Liam for my internship. I could say no and stay here, but I'm not so sure that there's anything for me to actually do. If I don't leave now I'm here until Sunday night. I'm kind of over being here…I haven't seen anything and I don't believe that Simon's gonna actually take me to see anything except maybe the castle, which would be cool but it's not worth 2 full days of being bored to see one thing when i could go home and work on something really cool. 

I've turned into that really lame person that finds work more interesting than spending time with friends. I feel like personally it's a better decision to just go home…I don't want to disappoint Simon by leaving but I'm also not feeling so well being here and being trapped inside all day. 

School starts up again next week. Only 6 weeks left…I can't believe it's going by so fast. 

Until next

I haven't been doing too much updating of anything but twitter lately and I'm sorry for that. I've had so much I wanted to update you guys on too. I went out one night and got horribly horribly lost, ended up in the red light district on my own, made it out alive and took awesome pictures. I was even gonna talk about these 3:
I don't really remember what I was gonna say anymore, but there's a folder labelled "Photos for Blog" on my desktop, which means I did have a story. I assume the first two are because I ended up in St Giles Square, and saw Rupert Street which reminded me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If you don't know why, you are not a whedonite and you have homework to do. Go watch Buffy. I was so excited when I saw these signs. The third though I just remember thinking was pretty. Maybe that's why I wanted to specifically show you?

Then of course there was my Beatles fieldtrip I went on last weekend. I have pictures from it here and they're actually labelled so you can know what they are if you click through the slideshow. We also went out one night and for class we were told to draw all over the city with crayons. Scroll down to see the pictures of that. Anything vulgar was not written by me, and is gonna be taken off my website prolly tonight. 

My internship the past two days has been amazing, I got to set up lighting today, and we got free food for lunch each day. I love the car rides involved with my internship. It's the best time to get to know the people I work with and the people that live here in general. 

I'm leaving now to print my tickets out for everything I'm doing this month. Doctor Who Experience, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Nottingham. I feel like I'm successfully packing quite a bit in. I also have to go to bed soon...I'm getting everyone up at 4 so we can leave by 5. 

I promise a proper blog soon. Probably after this weekend since I'll (hopefully) have lots of stories to tell you all. 

