Today was interesting. I got to work early so I could help set up the shoot that we were doing for the York Dungeons. I was given the task of setting up the lighting, which is really exciting since it was only my second day actually in the studio. It was green screen though so it just meant getting lighting that was even and bright enough until the actor showed up to stand in one place and read off a teleprompter. Easy job right? If only. When the actor showed up, he told us he couldn't read without his glasses, and didn't own contacts. The next 4 hours were spent finding a place he could get some. Once he finally was set it took him 5 hours to get through 3.5 minutes of dialogue. Read off the prompter. Standing in one place. Film and television would be so perfect if it didn't involve working with actors. Seriously, if you are an actor learn to take direction. It will make your life, and our lives so much easier. 

While he was out for 4 hours getting the contacts me and Nick spent some time playing with the camera set up. We ended up setting it up on 6 building blocks, a tripod, a c-stand, a box, a scaffolding, two "magic arms" and a strip of camera tape. This is what some of it looked like:
Once I finally was able to leave I was feeling very confident in my ability to make the most of this internship and impress the people I'm working for. 

2 hours later I got home, and when I walked in everyone gave me a very strange welcome home, so I left the room to put my stuff away. When I got back to the kitchen there was pizza for us all from Toya and it was amazingly delicious. Once everyone was sitting down again I was told that it was my belated birthday party. I got a card that was signed by everyone, and then two of the most delicious cupcakes ever (each of which with a candle). It was amazing, and I really appreciated that everyone was there and did that for me. I'm so lucky I got put in the flat with the people that I did. 

Links to updated pictures:

Field Trip


Birthday Party

Tomorrow we have a field trip, I'm not telling you where, I'll just post pictures and maybe some stories tomorrow. For now I need to go to bed. 


Today was my birthday, and our first night that we could go out since we have nothing to do tomorrow. The day consisted of orientation, internship orientation, and everyone suddenly realizing it was my birthday. So, after laying in bed for a few hours miserable because of a headache and an itchy head, they got me up, got me out, and we went to Camden. Of course we did, because we're from Philly. It was amazing. We accidentally went to a metal club, and it was so awesome. I'll have to post pictures and maybe some video tomorrow. I didn't have to pay for anything except the cover charge. My schoolmates bought me all my drinks, and the tube is free now for all of us through zones 1 and 2. 

For now it's time to go to sleep...I'm exhausted, and want to be able to get up tomorrow and go exploring. I'll tell you more tomorrow night. 

Goodnight everyone
