I suppose it's time to finish off this isn't it? I've been back in the states now for a month. My last night in London was sad but beautiful (Spent watching the stars and then the sun come up on the Thames) and when I got home everything felt wrong. 

Things are still adjusting for me. I had a job for two weeks, but I just quit today. I'm determined to make an actual go at being a filmmaker before tying myself down to a job for the summer or year or however long. I may be moving, but I may not be moving. I am graduated. 

My friends lives have all changed since I've been away, but mine has so much too that it's easier for me to handle. Today, I'm going to be relaxing for the first real time since I've been back. No obligations to friends, no work, and I'm not going to look for a job. Today is for movies, food and sleep. 

I'll be starting a new blog sometime soon, but it won't be on this website (as you probably guessed). For now this website is going to hang around and wait for me to finish it. Once it's done I don't know what'll happen to it. Maybe I'll take it down, but more than likely I'll keep it as long as I can because of everything it holds in it. 

I hope your summers are going well. Check back every once and a while to find where I've moved to.