Today was my birthday, and our first night that we could go out since we have nothing to do tomorrow. The day consisted of orientation, internship orientation, and everyone suddenly realizing it was my birthday. So, after laying in bed for a few hours miserable because of a headache and an itchy head, they got me up, got me out, and we went to Camden. Of course we did, because we're from Philly. It was amazing. We accidentally went to a metal club, and it was so awesome. I'll have to post pictures and maybe some video tomorrow. I didn't have to pay for anything except the cover charge. My schoolmates bought me all my drinks, and the tube is free now for all of us through zones 1 and 2. 

For now it's time to go to sleep...I'm exhausted, and want to be able to get up tomorrow and go exploring. I'll tell you more tomorrow night. 

Goodnight everyone

Gram Thurston
1/7/2011 10:40:52 pm

Hey I'm glad you are doing something fun...I got up this morning to a New England winter wonder land..Beautiful. Enjoy each day to the fullest...Love Gram


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