We have Australians living across from the hall. This makes things interesting :P They wandered into our flat by accident, and we ended up spending some time hanging out with them. Looks like they're pretty nice people. All 6 of them are law students, and they're here til Feb. 

I start classes tomorrow at 9am, which means that I'm heading to bed so that I can hopefully wake up on time tomorrow. I have my internship interview Thursday, I have two days of spring break planned, and I'm working on figuring out the rest. I think I may end up in Nottingham for most of it if I go anywhere.

I have some more pictures and some videos of places that I'm working on getting up. Maybe tomorrow night, maybe the night after :P

Bed now,

Gram Thurston
1/10/2011 10:12:29 am

Sounds like you are having fun...Good..Hope your meeting/school will go good and that Thursday will be OK...Love Gram


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