Over a week ago! Middle of semesters here really suck don't they? Up until now we've had almost no homework, and all of a sudden every class has at least one paper due in a week. Anyway.

Last Saturday we woke up bright and early at 4am, and started our travelling to the airport. Somehow we made it just in time despite going to 3 wrong bus stations and by 10am we were in Scotland! We went to Glasgow. This trip started out being planned because I mentioned I was going, and then everyone else wanted to join in. Here's a brief recap of everything that happened.

10am arrive in Glasgow
1045am get to hostel, told we can't check in til noon
11am get to place to eat breakfast (at this point only 4/6 of us are here)
12 Finally find everyone else we're in the city with, go back to hostel
1pm wander around Merchant City, go to the GoMA, take lots and lots of pictures
530pm go to dinner and have amazing sushi
9pm go to DRAM, a local pub.

9am wake up, get told off trying to everyone else up, and go downstairs for breakfast
945am Toya wakes up, yells at me for not trying to wake her up (remember, she just told me off 45 minutes ago), go downstairs for breakfast again :D
1030am go for a walk along the river and take lots of pictures
130pm meet up with Rachel (our RA who is from Glasgow), go to lunch, have lots of cool things pointed out to us
300pm go to the University, find the orchestr rehearsing, record the through the keyhole in the door, walk home
5pm go out on my own, walk to some museum and then down one street as far as it went. Found flatmates in Cold Stone
930pm go to tea shop, order "fairies blood" tea (it was a beautiful red)
11pm go to sports bar across from hostel
1am go to a church that's been converted into a bar
3am flatmates go to hostel, I go to hang out with people I met at the bar
445am run back to hostel
5am get in cab to go to airport
6am at airport, falling asleep on a chair because the amount I've had to drink is finally hitting me (that's something I should admit on a blog my grandmother and mother read huh?)
10am home and going to bed

Want some pictures? Check out here, here, and here.

Since this has all happened I've had classes, gone to m internship, had two days of doing nothing except setting up a booth at the national wedding show and spending 8 hours teaching myself to use a sound mixer and one of the cameras at work. Oh, and Friday night we had a nice trip to the hospital with one of our flatmates. Everything's ok now, and I'm glad it's over, but it made for a very long night. 

Today is homework, editing the website a bit (hopefully including some videos for you), and more homework. Tomorrow I go to the Doctor Who Experience! 

Links are being added here for all the places I've been that have websites

Take care!


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