Remember last night when I said that I was gonna go exploring today? Yeah. That didn't happen.
I slept until 4, others slept until around 2 or 3 and we all did pretty much nothing. While almost everyone else is out now I'm taking some time to just chill, tomorrow we have to be up and out of here by 9 for a coach tour, and then we have a walking tour at 2. Lots of pictures will be taken hopefully. As for pictures from last night they're up on the photos page if you want to see some of the club that we were at. 

I found out today our RLS (Residence life supervisor) is a big David Tennant fan, which gives us a lot to talk about (he was Doctor Who, for almost all of you who have no idea who he is), and being able to be friendly with your RLS is always a good thing. I'm now going to go and put this amazing anti-itch stuff on my head, and go to bed. Hopefully going to The Who Store tomorrow after everything, but that may have to wait until Monday depending on how long the walking tour is. 


Gram Thurston
1/8/2011 10:05:41 pm

I love this...I can keep track of you and what you are hard...Love and Hugs Gram


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