Today on the train back from touring the BBC studios with my class, 5 of us were sitting on the train and discussing celebrities. We were looking at them from the point of view that they are spoiled and discussing that they need to not be treated like babies and given everything they want. When the topic moved onto how we would react if we suddenly were majorly rich and famous the general consensus was that we would not ever treat people that were "below us" like they were below us, and that we would not abuse the power given to us. I challenged this saying that plenty of celebrities probably said that before they were given money and fame, but it was still fought that if you come from a place where you know what it's like to be stepped on you then won't do it to someone else. 

I still find this logic to be flawed, because if this was the case no one would ever act the way celebs do, but we went back to talking about the crazy things that we've heard about people doing (like J.Lo flying in 2 couches from France to London because she "NEEDED TO REST ON THEM") until we got off the train. When we finally reached our destination we got off and a man who had been sitting a few seats down from us stopped us.

This is London, so we assumed that he was going to tell us we were being rude for speaking so loudly on the tube and that Americans were always obnoxious and that we should try to be more respectful (a speech several of us have actually received on the tube). Instead he told us thank you. He appreciated hearing what we had to say about how celebrities act and how we hoped that we would never be like that. Apparently the type of Americans that often visit London are the kind that expect everything to be their way and act like people should cater to them and appreciate the face that they're even here. It was refreshing to hear that we as Americans had some of the same opinions as him, and made his day to meet some Americans that were not stuck up. 

And it made our day for an Englishman to tell us that he appreciated us. After several months of dirty looks and being told to shut up and being called "bloody Americans" it was refreshing to have someone that actually listened to what we had to say before dismissing us. 
It also made my day to meet the TARDIS. Isn't she beautiful?
4/5/2011 07:07:15 am

The logic is flawed because it was framed with notion that celebrity rises one individual above others. The minute that happens, the speaker is already acting like a 'celebrity'. It's those that do not view celebrity as a position who treat everyone equally who end up not expressing entitlement.

I'm jealous about the whole TARDIS thing.

1/25/2012 09:11:59 am

THX for info

1/26/2012 07:22:39 am

THX for info

3/23/2012 03:52:18 am

good post

3/23/2012 05:18:01 pm

THX for info

7/15/2012 02:55:05 am

good post


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