Ok, in the next few days (probably on next Tuesday, actually) I'll be doing a lot of updating this website. I have photos to add, links to add, and I'm gonna update my blog probably 3 or 4 times in one day. I understand this is exsessive, but I want to talk about Wales, and the Globe Theatre, and this coming weekend, and possibly something else. I don't expect anyone to read all of these updates, but I'll be sure to tag them well so you know what they're about and can skip what you're not interested in. 

I've seriously neglected this blog and website, and it's time to start shaping up again. I have 22 days left here. Each day I'm going to do something on my list I created before I got here. I also plan to spend more time in the parks and outside now that the weather is so much better, as well as be more social. Well, try to be more social. 

See you next week

3/27/2012 08:15:03 am

THX for info


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