I went for a run tonight around Westminster and Parliament. It was amazing, the London Eye was lit up, the aquarium was lit up, Parliament was lit up. It's all so beautiful at night, and it was so nice out all day that tonight things were still warm. It's the first run I've been on in almost a year I think, so it was a very good way to end a day. 

Today has been good for me. The past few days I've been feeling a bit off about something. I still don't know what it was that had me in a funk, but today has helped to sort it out quite a lot. My first class of the day was cancelled, so all the work I didn't get done didn't screw me over, I got my paper back that I had been panicking about and got an A- on it, our film class was extremely interesting, I planned a trip to Wales for the 19th - 22nd, and I went for a run. All very positive things. 

Now I need to organise my life more, clean, and defend my music choices to my flatmates. We've all recently realised that our itunes libraries are public and they've found out I have all of Clay Aiken's albums…. I'm glad that's what they decided to make fun of, I have much worse on there :P

Oh, also, I made the quote wall twice tonight apparently. 

According to Jess:

Flat 22 quote wall WHY DON'T YOU EXIST: Amanda Boisselle "DON'T TOUCH MY MAC N CHEESE" as she sprints to save her mac n cheese from the vultures in the kitchen hahahah

At this point my mother is on Skype with me, as I'm running out screaming at Nancy and mom's yelling at me asking if somethings on fire and if I'm ok and what's wrong. Yeah, we can cause panic over food, that's right. Probably much more entertaining if you were there but these are the moments I'll remember forever :P

The other quote (also from Jess)?

also- Amanda Boisselle: "OOO! Can I see your laundry??"

You have to see the amount of laundry Toya has to understand why it's so exciting to see. Seriously, it's insane. 

Anyway, I'm off now to clean and maybe do some homework (yeah, right). I have too much energy and I don't know what to do with it, but it needs to not be sitting on Facebook talking to my roommate that are just in the other room. That's just unhealthy 

Hope you're all well

1/24/2012 11:48:19 pm

Appreciate your details

3/10/2012 11:32:56 am

Nice one info, thx

3/23/2012 03:07:26 am

Fine info dude

7/14/2012 03:08:13 am

Fine article bro

9/30/2012 08:43:10 am

Fine article dude


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