As I'm writing this post it is 3am, and I have a paper due in exactly 6 hours, which I have to print out, which means walking about a mile to the other residency where they have printers. I haven't started the paper yet. Is anyone surprised that this would happen the first time I have a real paper due this semester? I thought I was going to be better about work, but that was just a happy little lie that I told to myself. 

Instead tonight I have planned my spring break. 3 days in Aberdeen, and 5 or 6 in Nottingham, followed by a weekend in Prague sometime. I'm figuring that I can spend lots of time with friends this way and then do some travelling on my own instead of in a large mass of people that I don't really like. 

I guess I should probably go and get my work done now. I have a presentation to finish too, but at least that's not due 'til 1. 

See you in the morning,

The Champion of Procrastination
2/4/2011 06:04:19 am

WOW I finally got the web site...Read the latest blog and saw the pictures of Stonehenge and the baths...Boy you are seeing so many places that I'd love to see..The history is so interesting...Love Gram ENJOY

2/5/2011 04:20:26 am

I understand!!! That's f'in rad!

2/5/2011 04:21:01 am

...wrong post. Whatever, I'm almost sick. You have to come visit my kitty when you're home (I mean philly).


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