Classes started today. I have class at 9am on Tuesdays, and that's going to be a rough thing, especially since I don't think I like the professor much. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt for now and hope that it gets better since it's my travel writing class that I was really looking forward to, but something about her bothers me. The class looks like we'll be taking a few field trips around London, which should be pretty cool. 

Second class today was British Mass Media. The professor is amazing man, who talked to me about doctor who conventions and our favorite doctors in the middle of class. Turns out we're going to be taking a field trip to the BBC television studios with him, which means we'll be going past the Tardis! (Well, one of them at least). I have the same professor for a class tomorrow, and I'm really excited about that because he seems amazing. 

Tomorrow morning I'll be waking up before everyone to try and brave the Tube to find my internship. I need to know where it is for Thursday when I have my interview at 10am. 

We haven't heard from our Australian neighbors tonight. We're hoping that their families aren't being affected by the floods.

Time for working out this route to work

Gram Thurston
1/11/2011 10:39:11 am

I was happy reading your blog today...sounds like everything is going good..I went to the dentist today not one of my favorite things to do, but I got through it and all is good in Gtam's home...Getting 2-4 eggs and my chickens look GREAT...Golly they are BIG with all their feathers...Good luck taking the tube...Enjoy..Love You Gram


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