Today I woke up bright and early at 11am and sat in the living room for 3 hours. Finally the group that I was hoping to go to the museums with woke up and got ready, and we headed to the Natural History Museum that's about a block from here. There was a ton of cool stuff to look at, and we actually managed to get through everything. We saw the dinosaurs which were awesome (videos at the bottom) and we saw the minerals and rocks, and we saw the jewels in the vault, and we saw the 500 million butterflies that there were in the cocoon. I don't think anyone is ever going to let me live down how terrified I was of the butterflies even though they were dead. 

I took 135 pictures today, and they're all in the photos section under the Natural History Museum. If you don't know how to get there, just hover your mouse over the "photos" link, and you'll see a drop down list. Click through there. The rest of the tabs aren't set up yet, but I'm working on it. 

Tomorrow we're going to Portobello Market at 10am, so it's time for me to start heading towards bed. But first, here's two videos of what we saw today:

I know the T-Rex is scary. I don't blame you if you had to stop watching because of terror. I reacted in a very similar way. 
Goodnight everyone,


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