I woke up bright and early this morning and made my way to East Croydon! 

Ok, so East Croydon isn't terribly exciting, but the people I was meeting are and the place that we were going is. We met up at the train station, and started our drive to Brighton. I think the most terrifying moments of the day happened to occur in the car while Kayleigh was driving, and I imagine my feelings were very simliar to those that Brendan and Alex have had while driving with me before. The car is reversed, steering wheel on the wrong side, the people drive on the wrong side of the road (I don't care if they think it's right, it's wrong), and the driver was insanely awesome, though a bit scary. On the way home at one point Kayleigh all of a sudden swerves out of our lane to follow another car, only realize that she was no longer driving in any lane and about to kill us all. This was after driving to Brighton during which we sped around a corner, and she yelled: 

"Oh shit! That was a curb!"

Quickly followed by:

"Well, good thing no one was standing there"

Seriously. Scary. But we made it.

The first thing we passed was this palace thing, and neither Kayleigh or Louise know what it is other than a big palace thing. 
Palace! The tent in the corner is an ice skating rink
A few more miles down the road and we arrived here:
Brighton Pier
Once we were finally out of the car we walked down the pier and looked at all the delicious looking food, the arcade (which included slots), and the rides before heading to walk down the lanes. The lanes are full of little shops ranging from punk stores to sweet shops to lego shops. Walking around took us a good amount of time. We stopped into a few punk shops, an American sweets shop, the lego store (which I wish I had gotten a picture of) and an amazing chocolate shop. We also had lunch at a place called "Red Veg". If you can't gather from the name it's a vegetarian fast food stop, so we all had veggie burgers for lunch. We ended the day walking around taking pictures of graffiti, which you an see in the photos area.

I'm back now, and completely exhausted. Tomorrow is going to be spend doing all the homework I didn't get done this weekend. It's been a very busy weekend and I'm proud of the amount we did, but we're gonna step it up next weekend and try to see more. 



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