This blog is for when I'm actually in London, which means that there won't be many updates over the next 2 weeks. While I'm doing some planning I may leave some updates about the places I've decided I'll go, cool websites I've found, or frustration in deciding what the most important items I need to bring are. I'm limiting myself to a small suitcase and a backpack for storage during travelling, which means that I won't have much with me for the 4 months that I am there.

As for a bit about me, I'm a senior at Temple University, which means that this semester I spend in London is going to be my last. I am 21 years old, I'll be 22 on the first day of classes. I've been to London once before, but it was a 4 day trip during which I didn't sleep and was at a convention called Hallowhedon. I am a producer and assistant director for independant films, and I also work as a grip.

If there is something you'd be interested in hearing about or pictures you'd like to see, or place that you have always wanted to go but never had the chance/a place you think that I should go leave a comment or send me a message through the contact page.

Until next time


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