You ever get incredibly frustrated with technology? This website has deleted my update twice now and I'm gettin frustrated. 

Today my first flight was in the morning, a short trip from CT to NY on a nearly empty plane. The guy across from me actually looked like he was more terrified than me. Take off was terrifyingly horrible, landing was horrible, but flying was pretty smooth. The sky was beautiful.
After debating the whole way whether I was on the right flight or not since the numbers didn't remotely match and it was such a strange plane I got to JFK and walked to the other end of the airport to wait for 4 hours. Once we were finally on the plane, we sat on the runway for an hour because of saturation over Boston. After getting upset about the fact we were gonna be an hour late and that I was going to miss the people I was supposed to be travelling with i went to sleep. When I woke up somehow we were going to be landing 1/2 hour ahead of schedule. I think we went through a time hole. The rest of the flight sucked. There was a child sitting behind me that screamed the whole way, and the turbulence was horrible and no one was allowed to get up because of it. 

Oh, and did I mention what the in flight movie was?


Finally we landed, it was still pitch black outside, I got through customs with no questions, got my luggage with no trouble, got on the train as soon as I got to the platform, and got off at the right stop on my first try. I walked with someone named Alex (ironic huh?) who was from Wisconsin, got to the check in, and went on my own to find my flat. I was the first one from Temple here so I got to haul my suitcase up 6 flights of steep stairs alone, but I got to pick my bed. I took the one in the corner kind of away from everyone else:
I'm betting I hit my head on that sloped ceiling at least three times. 

After a few hours everyone else was here, we went to check in and get our schedules, went on a tour of Kensington and got our ID's and tube passes. Now we're all home and working on getting to bed. Everyone is exhausted and we need to be at the school for 9:30 tomorrow morning. 

Exciting things that happened today:

I got word about my internship. If I get it, it would be the best possible thing ever.

3 of us found out that we're all whedonites and talked about Joss and Buffy for about 1/2 hour

Got my course schedule which is:




1pm - 4pm British Mass Media
6pm - 9pm Travel Writing


10am - 11:30 Internship Meetings (Once a month)
1:30pm - 4:30pm Senior Seminar
5pm - 8pm British Cinema





Shorter updates from the next few days maybe. We'll see


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