If you had an internship in London this semester you were required to take this course that goes along with it. We were emailed on December 8th, 2010, telling us what was going to be required for work in the class and what we should do to get the most out of it. 

Today is April 6, 2011 and everyone seems to be bitching about this class. This is severely disappointing to me, because I got so much out of the class. The simple fact is, if you weren't expecting the work we recieved, you need to learn to read your emails about the things you're participating in. If you didn't get anything out of the class, it's your own fault. You didn't do the work in a way that would help you. Those blogs were not a waste of time, they were meant to help you understand what you were getting out of your internship by forcing you to really think about what you were doing and what it was teaching you. The presentation was meant to help you understand your company more, and this paper is meant to help you finalize what you got out of the internship. If you did the readings, paid attention the film, and participated in the class conversations you would have realized this class was not a waste of time, but an extremely helpful tool in shaping your future. 

Stop complaining and learn to grow up a bit. Sometimes you have to take responsibility. 

That being said I'm gonna go back to complaining about a different professor for entirely different reasons while I avoid doing his assignment that is due in 30 minutes. 

I'm ready to go home...Ready for me to be back?
12/30/2011 10:35:03 am

will return soon

1/27/2012 12:40:37 am

THX for info

3/10/2012 10:08:38 am

THX for info

3/21/2012 09:23:26 am

THX for info

3/23/2012 01:33:57 pm

Thanks for data

3/31/2012 08:14:31 am

Thank you for data

7/12/2012 07:10:51 am

THX for info


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