I added some more photos! Some are from the tour of Lodon that we went on, and the last few are from where my internship is. I need to find a way to label them. Haven't figured out how to do that on this website yet. Maybe have to just go to photobucket.

Class time

Classes started today. I have class at 9am on Tuesdays, and that's going to be a rough thing, especially since I don't think I like the professor much. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt for now and hope that it gets better since it's my travel writing class that I was really looking forward to, but something about her bothers me. The class looks like we'll be taking a few field trips around London, which should be pretty cool. 

Second class today was British Mass Media. The professor is amazing man, who talked to me about doctor who conventions and our favorite doctors in the middle of class. Turns out we're going to be taking a field trip to the BBC television studios with him, which means we'll be going past the Tardis! (Well, one of them at least). I have the same professor for a class tomorrow, and I'm really excited about that because he seems amazing. 

Tomorrow morning I'll be waking up before everyone to try and brave the Tube to find my internship. I need to know where it is for Thursday when I have my interview at 10am. 

We haven't heard from our Australian neighbors tonight. We're hoping that their families aren't being affected by the floods.

Time for working out this route to work

We have Australians living across from the hall. This makes things interesting :P They wandered into our flat by accident, and we ended up spending some time hanging out with them. Looks like they're pretty nice people. All 6 of them are law students, and they're here til Feb. 

I start classes tomorrow at 9am, which means that I'm heading to bed so that I can hopefully wake up on time tomorrow. I have my internship interview Thursday, I have two days of spring break planned, and I'm working on figuring out the rest. I think I may end up in Nottingham for most of it if I go anywhere.

I have some more pictures and some videos of places that I'm working on getting up. Maybe tomorrow night, maybe the night after :P

Bed now,


Remember last night when I said that I was gonna go exploring today? Yeah. That didn't happen.
I slept until 4, others slept until around 2 or 3 and we all did pretty much nothing. While almost everyone else is out now I'm taking some time to just chill, tomorrow we have to be up and out of here by 9 for a coach tour, and then we have a walking tour at 2. Lots of pictures will be taken hopefully. As for pictures from last night they're up on the photos page if you want to see some of the club that we were at. 

I found out today our RLS (Residence life supervisor) is a big David Tennant fan, which gives us a lot to talk about (he was Doctor Who, for almost all of you who have no idea who he is), and being able to be friendly with your RLS is always a good thing. I'm now going to go and put this amazing anti-itch stuff on my head, and go to bed. Hopefully going to The Who Store tomorrow after everything, but that may have to wait until Monday depending on how long the walking tour is. 


Today was my birthday, and our first night that we could go out since we have nothing to do tomorrow. The day consisted of orientation, internship orientation, and everyone suddenly realizing it was my birthday. So, after laying in bed for a few hours miserable because of a headache and an itchy head, they got me up, got me out, and we went to Camden. Of course we did, because we're from Philly. It was amazing. We accidentally went to a metal club, and it was so awesome. I'll have to post pictures and maybe some video tomorrow. I didn't have to pay for anything except the cover charge. My schoolmates bought me all my drinks, and the tube is free now for all of us through zones 1 and 2. 

For now it's time to go to sleep...I'm exhausted, and want to be able to get up tomorrow and go exploring. I'll tell you more tomorrow night. 

Goodnight everyone

You ever get incredibly frustrated with technology? This website has deleted my update twice now and I'm gettin frustrated. 

Today my first flight was in the morning, a short trip from CT to NY on a nearly empty plane. The guy across from me actually looked like he was more terrified than me. Take off was terrifyingly horrible, landing was horrible, but flying was pretty smooth. The sky was beautiful.
After debating the whole way whether I was on the right flight or not since the numbers didn't remotely match and it was such a strange plane I got to JFK and walked to the other end of the airport to wait for 4 hours. Once we were finally on the plane, we sat on the runway for an hour because of saturation over Boston. After getting upset about the fact we were gonna be an hour late and that I was going to miss the people I was supposed to be travelling with i went to sleep. When I woke up somehow we were going to be landing 1/2 hour ahead of schedule. I think we went through a time hole. The rest of the flight sucked. There was a child sitting behind me that screamed the whole way, and the turbulence was horrible and no one was allowed to get up because of it. 

Oh, and did I mention what the in flight movie was?


Finally we landed, it was still pitch black outside, I got through customs with no questions, got my luggage with no trouble, got on the train as soon as I got to the platform, and got off at the right stop on my first try. I walked with someone named Alex (ironic huh?) who was from Wisconsin, got to the check in, and went on my own to find my flat. I was the first one from Temple here so I got to haul my suitcase up 6 flights of steep stairs alone, but I got to pick my bed. I took the one in the corner kind of away from everyone else:
I'm betting I hit my head on that sloped ceiling at least three times. 

After a few hours everyone else was here, we went to check in and get our schedules, went on a tour of Kensington and got our ID's and tube passes. Now we're all home and working on getting to bed. Everyone is exhausted and we need to be at the school for 9:30 tomorrow morning. 

Exciting things that happened today:

I got word about my internship. If I get it, it would be the best possible thing ever.

3 of us found out that we're all whedonites and talked about Joss and Buffy for about 1/2 hour

Got my course schedule which is:




1pm - 4pm British Mass Media
6pm - 9pm Travel Writing


10am - 11:30 Internship Meetings (Once a month)
1:30pm - 4:30pm Senior Seminar
5pm - 8pm British Cinema





Shorter updates from the next few days maybe. We'll see

I'm packed, awake, showered, and ready to leave to go to the airport. My first flight leaves at 1:40 from CT and takes me to New York for a few hours. From there I'll be on my way to London! Not much to tell you yet, but in a day or so I should have some stories about my travels and where I'm living.

Wish me luck!
